About us

About Us

Tom’s Technology Solutions or TTS began as a general provider of computer assistance and repairs for seniors, persons who find technology challenging and individuals that wanted custom computer solutions built to suit their specialized gaming, video surveillance or enhanced computer capabilities. Today, we still work in all these exciting areas and still look forward to every custom build, repair and helping seniors have access to helpful, cost-effective IT services that really are customized to this demographic. We pride ourselves on helping everyone with respect, honestly and a really great product. We also provide services with all technologies that are now part of our daily lives, and we bring these technologies to our customers to make their life better. These services include but are not limited to the following:

Alarm Systems

CCTV Video Surveillance Systems

Video Doorbells

Wi-Fi based security cameras

Custom Server Solutions

Home Theatre Design and installation

Setting up of all types of home electronics

Computer Infrastructure including networking, server racks and custom installations

Computer Set-Up

TV Set-Up and Custom TV solutions

Wi-Fi based controllers for sprinkler systems.

Wi-Fi based thermostats

Solar Solutions

Plus much more, we can describe ourselves as the people you contact to assist with, source or install electronic solutions. We work with our customers to help them utilize technology in their life to make it better.

Please reach out to Tom to discuss how we can assist in making technology fun, reliable and exciting.